Wednesday, June 6, 2012

In everything give thanks

I have been contemplating about what to write about all day.  I am enjoying some solitude - which is somewhat rare for me.  John and the boys went to Duffy's farm to help him harvest some corn, and then the boys are going to VBS with some friends tonight.  We may even get some alone time tonight - something that is extremely rare!

Anyway, I sat down for a few minutes to have some prayer time with the Lord.  I have been feeling a bit anxious the last few weeks about finances, and I know that God wants us to be anxious for nothing.  As I was praying and asking God to help me overcome my anxiety, he brought several scriptures to my mind.  Be anxious for nothing...take no thought for tomorrow...(Matthew 6:25-34)  In everything give thanks:  for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.  (1Thessalonians 5:18)... Be still and know that I am God.  (Psalm 46:10)

Needless to say, I am feeling much better.  I was reminded how important it is to be grateful.  Whether you have a little or a lot, it is so important to be thankful for what you do have.  I truly believe that is not only the key to happiness, but also the key that unlocks the kingdom of heaven for blessings to be able to flow.  I am often guilty of forgetting that, and those are the times that I find myself struggling with fear of not having enough.

I really should know better.  The last few years of our life have been filled with massive amounts of change, yet God has been with us through it all.  I know that without Him, we would never be where we are today.  We went from a very typical middle class suburban neighborhood close to lots of shops and restaurants to living on a 5 acre farm in the country, 20 minutes away from the nearest "regular" grocery store and nearly an hour away from any large retail stores or shopping malls.  That in itself was a huge culture shock for me and my family.  Then add to it that my husband continued to travel back and forth to Florida almost every week for several days at a time.  We were so blessed to have John's brother and sister-in-law to allow him to stay there when he came to Florida.  (If either of you are reading this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!)

Recently, we went through another round of radical change when my husband decided to stay here in GA and basically give up his painting business in FL.  We are used to living on faith, because for the last 20 years of our marriage, John has been self employed.  While we never got rich (at least by American standards), we always had enough.  John relied on his reputation and the Lord to keep his business going.  He did very little advertising, and yet week after week the phone would continue to ring with new business.  So you can see how difficult it was for him to let go and let God take over.  (Coincidentally, that will be the title of my first book someday...Let Go and Let God.)

I just need to stop and say that just a minute ago (while I was writing this), my phone rang.  It was one of my cheese customers calling to place another order!  Praise the Lord!  Isn't it amazing how when you release your fears to God and ask him to take over, He is so quick to answer your prayers?  We serve a BIG God people!!

Anyway, back to the story about my husband.  He has been steady busy with work since he made the decision to stay in GA.  This past week he has been home.  He has been doing a few small home improvement projects and he has been helping me do some gardening.  He is currently working on plans to make a chicken coop for someone (and hopefully one for us too!)  He is busy trying to find things he can do or sell from home, and we are praying for God to help expand our vision to see what He has in store for us next.  Stay tuned, because I am sure God has something wonderful planned, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!

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