Monday, July 2, 2012

Fear God 7-2-12

I had an encounter with God this past weekend that was unlike any I had ever experienced before.  I'm not really sure that I can put it into words.  I hope that I was able to explain it a little in the last few posts.  I think what I most came away from the ladies advance was that most Christians (myself included) do not begin to utilize the power of God in their lives.  We have put God in this small little box and placed him on a shelf.  We take out the box and talk to him when we have a problem or a need, but otherwise just leave him there inside that little box.  We need to be reminded of the awesome POWER of God.  The God we serve is the same God that placed the stars in the sky, knows the numbers of the hairs on our head and created this vast universe and everything in it!

He is the same God that wants us to be financially secure and healthy.  He does not want us to be poor and sick.  We are His children.  We need to really think about what that means.  If you are a parent, you already know that you want the absolute best for your children.  And when they are sick, all you want is for them to be well.  I am reminded of the words of a song that we used to sing in our quartet at church..."Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost!  You are not your own.  You are bought with a price!  The precious blood of the lamb!  You are a king's kid!!"  We need to learn to tap into that power!  We need to start acting like children of a king instead of thinking, "poor, pitiful, me..."  Am I speaking to anyone right now?  Am I stepping on some toes?  I hope so!

Do you want to know the main reason we no longer attend "church"?  There are lots of reasons, but the main one is that most pastors are afraid to preach a hard message that people don't want (but desperately need) to hear.  They are afraid if they preach that kind of message, the people will leave and go somewhere else...and take their money with them.  Matthew 5:13 says, "You are the salt of the earth.  But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?  It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men."

The most refreshing part of the teaching I received this weekend from Clarice Fluitt was about the awesome power of God.  She is so annointed, and so blessed by God because she listens and obeys.  She has allowed herself to be completely surrendered to God to do what He tells her to do.  One of my favorite CD's that I purchased from her this weekend was called, "Fear God."  She says, "That which you fear will come upon you!"  Do you fear sickness?  Disease?  Poverty?  That which you fear will come upon you.  Fear God!!  The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.  When you begin to fear God, He will be able to work through you and use you in ways you never thought possible.

Clarice is an amazing woman.  She has some of the best testimonies I have ever heard.  She doesn't just have a testimony, she has lots of them!!  Since we know that God is no respector of persons, we know that he can give us all testimonies like hers that will change lives.  People need to hear that the God we serve is a God of power!!

I don't know about you, but I am ready to be used by God in an amazing way.  I am ready to have testimonies that will blow your socks off!  I want the kind of testimonies that when people hear them, they say, "That cannot possibly be true!"

Father God, I am ready to be used in a mighty way.  I want the words of my testimony to change people's lives.  I want people to say, I want to serve the God that woman serves!  I want to change lives through the power of my testimony.  I promise to always give you all the glory!  In Jesus mighty name I pray.  Amen.

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