Sunday, January 22, 2012

New additions to the farm

Wow!  What a busy and exciting weekend this has been for us.  It started on Friday night when we were having our regular Bible study with some good friends.  Duffy is a dairy farmer and has become a very close personal friend to our family.  He and my husband John have become bff's and he has become somewhat of a surrogate grandpa to my kids.  Anyway, during dinner at our Bible study, he told my son David that he had a present for him.  This he said with a big smile on his face.

Knowing Duffy to be a big practical joker, I was concerned.  :)  He said he was going to bring it to the house on Saturday morning.  He later told us what the surprise was when David left the room to make sure we were okay with it.  Then when David came back in, Duffy asked him if he wanted one present or two.  Of course, he said two!!  When he told David that he wanted to give him a little calf of his own, David was so excited! Then he asked Steven if he wanted one too.  Of course he also said yes.  So, long story short we are now the proud owners of two adorable baby steer.

The boys agreed that they would be the ones taking care of them.  Little did any of us know how much work would be involved to bottle feed two little calves!  Not only does it take a long time for them to drink their 1/2 gallon bottle of milk, you have to prepare the formula, wash the bottles... It is much like having a newborn (except they only have to eat twice a day).  One of the little calves is still having some trouble taking to the bottle, and we are concerned that he may have the scours.  Duffy is going to come over tomorrow to check on him.

Meanwhile, John got busy building them a new pen and shelter.  He converted part of the dog's pen.  They will live there for the next few weeks until they get a little bigger and we can put them with Esther and Annabelle.  Then I hope to convert it into a chicken coop.  The dogs were very curious about the new calves, and were not at all happy about being temporarily kicked out of their pen.  It was really quite funny.  When they are in the pen, they want out.  Then when they are out, they want back in!  Since Katy can't be trusted not to jump the fence, she had to spend the night tied to the pole barn while Sadie was able to run free.  They were both very happy to be back in their pen tonight.

So, the big question everyone is asking is, "Will you be able to butcher them?"  Only time will tell!!  It will be at least 18 months before we have to do that.  Their names are Robbie Ribeye and Sammy Sirloin.  :)  Robbie is David's new best friend, so we will just have to see.  I do know that they will be the tamest steer you ever want to be around if he keeps hugging them and letting them sleep in his lap.  LOL!

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