Monday, October 15, 2012

Without a vision people perish

Once again, I have taken a rather long sabatical from writing this blog.  And once again, I feel the tugging of the Holy Spirit that says, "You are supposed to do this!"  Have you ever had the experience where you hear from God, but politely try to ignore him?  When you can feel God speaking to you, but you answer back, "That doesn't make sense!  Why would you tell me to do or say such a strange thing?"   I should know by now that a lot of the things God says to me do not make sense at the time, but they always make sense in the long run.

So, just to catch up with you, at my last post we were just getting ready to start school.  Let me just say that this year has been a lot harder than any year in the past because of all the transition.  Steven started a new virtual school, and I attempted to homeschool Jesse for the first several weeks of school.  Consequently, everyone got off to a slow start, and we have been playing catch up ever since.  Jesse went home a few weeks ago, and we have been working like crazy to be on pace.  This week is the end of our first quarter, and I can finally say that we should be on target for the first time since school started by the end of this week.  Praise God!!

I actually wrote a blog post several weeks ago that I never had time to get onto this blog.  This morning during my quiet time with the Lord, I could feel an urgency to post it.  So, I do not know who this is for, but please know that if it speaks to you in any way, it is the Lord speaking to you.  Most of the words from this post are not my own, but they came straight from the lips of Clarice Fluitt during the ladies beach retreat (advance) that I attended back in June.  I think I posted before that she had spoken a word over me.  This is from the sermon she gave, and the words that God spoke over me through her:

You need to believe in the power of God and a positive confession.  The Lord has a plan for your life and for mine. He knows what is deposited in you.  He knows your substance because he put it in there.  We are co-regents with God.  The God that made the moon, sun, stars and galaxies...the God that knows everything - every hair on your head, lives in you!  You are a co-regent with the living God, and that God knows what is deposited in you.  He knows your substance because He put it in there in you.  If you will hold your confession, if you will hold those words that God says, "whatsoever things you desire, when you pray...If you believe and not doubt,"  I'm telling you that God answers prayer, and he knows your heart.

Immediately after saying those words (out of nowhere in the middle of her sermon), she points to me and says,"Stand up!"  These are the words that she spoke over me:

"Shyness and timidity - it must bow - because the Lord says you must become as bold as a lion because there are things that I have in you.  For I say unto you there is gold.  There is gold.  There is the divine nature.  Yea, sayeth God, It is not you that chose me, but I the Lord God chose you.  I know what is in you.  I know the deposit that has been made.  Yea, sayeth the Lord...there is healing in your touch.  There is healing sayeth God.  There is deliverance.  There is a prophetic voice inside of you."

"You are a treasure, and I come to you with spiritual WD-40, and I am beginning to spray on those hinges.  The Lord says, 'I am opening my box.  I am opening my treasure box, and you are going to say, "Oh!!  Dear God!!"  I wash away the grief and the sorrow.  I wash away those disappointments sayeth God, and I remind you:  Did not Peter say, "There is no disappointment in Jesus."  Nothing has the power to bring disappointment to you except things that you believed that someone other than I could fulfill."

"I am your lover. I am your husband. I am your brother, your sister, your mother, your aunt, and I am your friend.  I am closer than the breath you breathe, and I shall never turn you loose.  My hand is upon you to do exploits.  I will melt you.  I will melt you sayeth God.  I will cause your substance to run.  Provisions and signs and wonders...You are NOT ordinary!!  You are extraordinary..for this is the voice of God.  Praise the Lord!"

Then she said, "The wonderful thing about the prophetic voice of God - it is like the rain.  When God looks at us, he sees us individually, but he also sees us as one.  So when you hear a word like this and you think, "Oh God!  I'd like a word like that!" Take it!  When the rain falls, you just say, "That is mine!"

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