Friday, June 29, 2012

A Prophetic Word 6-22-12 (pm)

Tonight during our teaching session with Dr. Clarice Fluitt, I received a prophetic word from the Lord.  During the middle of the teaching, she stopped, pointed at me, and said to stand up.  She began to pray and speak over me a confirmation of what I have been praying for.  I came open and prepared to hear from Him - a vessel ready to be moved by God.

I don't remember exactly what was said, probably because I was sobbing through most of it.  As soon as I get a copy of the CD, I will write down word for word what she said.  Basically, she said God was calling me away from being timid and shy, and giving me boldness.  She said I had the gift of healing and prophesy.  She said something about no longer being disappointed.  Then she said, "You are not ordinary.  You are extraordinary!!"  This was particularly funny to me because in the book I am reading called, The Dream Giver, the main character's name in Ordinary.  It is the story of leaving the "Land of the Familiar" to pursue "The Big Dream."