Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year

Wow!  This past year has brought so many changes to my life.  I hardly know where to start.  Let me first say, I am trying more than ever to listen to the "still small voice,"  and lately it has been telling me in more of a roar than a whisper that I need to blog daily.  So, I suppose you could call it a New Year's resolution, but I am going to think of it as more of a response to a calling from God.  Again, I have no idea if what I am writing down will ever be read by anyone other than myself.  But, if it helps me somehow in this journey of life it will be worth it.  However, my deepest prayer is that something I say in this blog will profoundly change another person in their life in someway.  My deepest goal is to share the love of Jesus and to minister to others as to how to have a more personal relationship with Him.

I have experienced a lot of personal growth this past year - especially since my last post.  Breaking my ankle was one of the most painful experiences I have ever gone through.  I would not wish it on my worst enemy.  It did however teach me many valuable life lessons that I may not have learned otherwise.  I do not say that to say that I believe God was responsible.  I believe that the enemy (Satan) was responsible, but I allowed myself to be used by God through the situation.  I believe my family became closer.  I believe my husband and children learned a greater respect for how much I do for them.  At the same time, I appreciate them more too.  I learned to be a little less of a control freak.  Most of all I learned how much I appreciate the ability to walk.  I have such great empathy for people who do not enjoy that freedom, and such respect for our armed service men and women who have lost that ability while trying to protect our freedom.

The best thing to come out of that situation was it gave me time to just sit and do nothing and think and pray.  I had time to read, write in my journal and just reflect on life.  I had time to visualize what I want for my life, and just as I can picture my home all finished, I am beginning to picture our farm and business take shape.  It also seemed that as I was beginning to have these visions, I was discovering articles about "finding your vision".  I even wrote down the following quote in my journal after watching an episode of Oprah:  "You become what you believe.  To find your purpose, pay attention to the life you are leading now."  So once again, the "still small voice" was speaking to me.

I also believe wisdom is where you find it.  Again, after watching an episode of Oprah, I wrote this quote down:  "Your life doesn't have to be what everyone else thinks it should be."  That resonated with me because I think some people - friends and family - probably thought we were crazy for making the lifestyle changes we have made.  It is not easy or glamorous to own a farm.  We are still far from the vision we have for this place, but the vision is still there.  I am committed to working each day to make our dreams a reality.  We have also left the conventional church in order to pursue a more personal relationship with Jesus.  I know that for most people reading this, that sounds like an oxymoron.  However, since "leaving the church,"  we have grown spiritually by leaps and bounds.  I'll have to expand more on that later.

As we move into a new year, I would also like to share something Sid Roth said on his program, "It's Supernatural" a few months ago.  He said, "Do not be like Lot's wife.  Do not look back to the old.  It's time for the new."  Then one of his guests said, "The key to breakthrough is a determined spirit that refuses to take no for an answer."  That is kind of how I feel about this process of trying to sell milk and cheese (which is illegal unless you have a huge expensive operation).  I know that with God all things are possible, and I am just pressing on with the vision.  I am ready to start classes on cheese making soon, and I believe God will work it all out.

I pray that all of you reading have a very blessed New Year.  I welcome any comments.

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