This has by far been the most challenging year homeschooling. Even though Steven was taking all his classes at the college, he still needed help now and then. Mostly with him it was just making sure we were getting all the necessary things done so he could graduate. Then throw in countless hours spent researching, visiting and applying to various colleges...
With David, we made the decision to switch virtual schools 10 weeks into the first semester. He was able to kind of "skip" the 8th grade and go into 9th, but it has required him going back and doing all the 9th grade curriculum. I am very proud of him for making the decision to challenge himself instead of spending the year being bored. It may have been a bit more challenging than he expected, but he has continued to maintain an A average, so I know it was the right decision for him. He still has 2 weeks of school left to finish (and lots of assignments still to do), but we are trying to keep our eye on the prize. We will have some serious celebrating to do when he gets done!!
As if that wasn’t enough to keep me busy, just throw in my decision to go back to school myself full time. This has been a life changing decision for me that I do not regret, but it has definitely been challenging, to say the least. Going back to school has opened up new opportunities for my business (more on that later), and it has also allowed me to be able to set and reach some personal goals for myself. I guess you could say that illusive diploma has always been on my bucket list!
Steven and I start back to summer school on Monday. (He wants to get his Associate of Science degree from ABAC before starting Mercer University in the fall). It was really just a personal goal, and I am very proud that he is going to have something to show for his time spent there. David is considering going to what we homeschoolers like to call a “brick and mortar” school in the fall. That decision has yet to be made. We are also looking into possibly letting him take a class or two at the college through dual enrollment.
Maybe I should change my first sentence of this post to say, this has been the most challenging year, period. Where am I going with all of this? Change is in the air….LOTS of change. I am sure there is lots more change ahead as my husband is also hoping to find different employment or a promotion in his current job. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention in the midst of all the chaos of school, we are finally getting down to doing some home renovations, too! Between that and the whole family going off in new directions, it can be a little overwhelming, and a little scary. The one thing that keeps me (all of us, really) grounded is our uncompromising faith in God. When the winds of change are blowing, I adhere myself firmly to the rock of my salvation, Jesus Christ. Without Him, I would not be able to keep it all together, but with Him, “ALL things are possible.”